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Disturbia review

Posted : 17 years, 2 months ago on 4 January 2008 06:40 (A review of Disturbia)

This was a good movie. Not brilliant. Not mind blowing. Not particularly special but good.
For a thriller it took a long time for the "thrill" to occur and when it finally did occur it was unfortunately short lived. However I thought David Morse as the "bad guy" was a good choice, Shia LaBeouf (I think perhaps his parents didn't like him when he was born) on the other hand.. Well I thought perhaps he wasn't a particularly great actor and maybe everyone loves him because he has done good movies (ie Tranformers) but now I think he is mediocre but could improve with some acting lessons. The acting wasn't exactly bad though but I feel this was just another polished movie geared towards a certain money spending audience and not for actual thriller lovers. A shame really when you are in the mood for a good thriller.

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Stuck on You review

Posted : 17 years, 2 months ago on 3 January 2008 09:04 (A review of Stuck on You)

I'd put off watching this movie as it looked utterly stupid to me but seeing as it was on television I thought why not and I was surprised. I actually found it not only bearable but enjoyable to an extent, even laughed in parts. Not bad for an enjoyable feel good movie with a bit of a laugh.

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Pieces of April review

Posted : 17 years, 2 months ago on 29 December 2007 05:42 (A review of Pieces of April)

This movie was such an effort for me to watch, it was exhausting. A movie that is that exhausting to watch from beginning to end isn't worth it in my book and neither the acting, storyline or cinematography made up for it. What slightly did though was the ending. After such a chaotic exhausting story it had a nice ending but that was about it.

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Terry Pratchett's Hogfather review

Posted : 17 years, 2 months ago on 25 December 2007 10:49 (A review of Terry Pratchett's Hogfather)

I really enjoyed this. A dark quirky fantasy with a twist to Christmas being Santa is some sort of Hog man. I also loved Death and the serious character of Suzanne. I haven't been able to read Terry Pratchett's Discworld so can't say if it was adapted appropriately but after watching this mini series I know I want to read his work more so then before. A good little fantasy that I think Harry Potter fans could be happy with and anyone who wants something different then the usual Christmas fanfare

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Gangster No. 1 review

Posted : 17 years, 2 months ago on 23 December 2007 02:14 (A review of Gangster No. 1)

For a movie I hadn't planned on watching, in actual fact hadn't even heard of and that just happened to be on television I found this to be quite enjoyable. Basically about the rise and fall of an English gangster it's told by starting off in "present" time to going back to the 60's when it all started basically. I think Paul Bettany as the younger version of the main character was great. He did really well at playing such a narcissistic deranged character and I mean deranged. Right down to the facial expressions. The older version played by Malcolm McDowell I don't think was as good which bothers me in a story like that. I feel that when a movie goes from present to past to present again with different actors playing the same character the performances should be matched and although McDowell did do a fairly good performance I don't think it was matched. Didn't take away from the movie though.
The main problem I had with the movie was David Thewlis who I usually like as an actor, don't get me wrong though he was good it's just his accent. I realise this is a British film and he is British but he had to put on a rougher accent (with bad grammar, the whole shortening of the sentences and such) which in my opinion he couldn't keep up and kept breaking from it. Something I kept noticing far too much.
I also would've like the movie to explore with more depth the deranged main character and his obsession.
Other then that a great little movie that I'm rather happy I was able to watch.

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Young Adam review

Posted : 17 years, 3 months ago on 16 December 2007 03:39 (A review of Young Adam)

Talk about slow. So, so slow. Not that, that made it a boring movie but towards the end of it I felt like it would never be over and that I'd not been watching it for just under 2 hours but that I'd been watching it for weeks. That and none of the characters stood out for me except Ewen McGregor's performance but mainly because as the movie went on I came to despise his character more and more. Other then that I didn't feel it was a strong peformace at all. It did have me intrigued enough to watch it to the end but my life would've been about the same if I hadn't of watched it.

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Female review

Posted : 17 years, 3 months ago on 15 December 2007 05:24 (A review of Female)

I thought this movie was going to be an actual film. Turned out it was a series of short films put together to make the one.
Basically every film has something to do with women whether it be that the main character/s are female or it's about a female. There's also some dance sequences in between which are pretty raunchy and then after watching the last film I had a suspicion confirmed. All these films have a sexual nature some more so then others because some are actually just sex and then the ones that aren't all about sex have sexual connotations possibly barring one though but even that one had subjects in it that involved sex (I could get into the topic that human beings are sexual beings and that everything is involved with it but I won't...). So rather then doing a succession of films about women it's more or less just about sex and I can't decide if they were objectifying women outright or it was some horny persons wet dream.
Although there was more to it then sex and in actual fact some of it was enjoyable more for it's quirkiness. In film No.2 "Drive Until You See The Sun" I laughed. Still if you're expecting a film about women be prepared for a lot of adult content instead.

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Koma review

Posted : 17 years, 3 months ago on 11 December 2007 06:00 (A review of Koma)

I am going to attempt to write some sort of review without giving anything away so here goes...

I thought this was a great little film. I have read in a few places that it wasn't all that good and to be honest I have no idea what those people are on about it. It's possible that they assumed this was some sort of horror movie. It isn't. So if that's what you're expecting you will be disappointed.
Yes it is rated R and so it should be although it's not exactly gory just violent in parts.
I thought it was very well done with only bits of information being given as it goes a long. There was one scene that lead me to think this could become predictable but I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect the outcome. Or more like I did expect a part of that outcome but not how it got there or how it ended up. That probably makes no sense but that's the only way I can put it without spoiling it.
So basically a great little film with violence, twists, mystery, some suspense and, well, high heels...

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Jay & Silent Bob Review

Posted : 17 years, 3 months ago on 9 December 2007 11:02 (A review of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back)

A stupid movie which was slightly entertaining for it's stupidity and really only it's stupidity. Also a movie I wouldn't pay to watch and would only ever watch if it was on television, late at night and I was bored. Jay (Mewes) was a bit entertaining because he was such a moron but the best performance out of the whole movie in my opinion was Chris Rock and he wasn't on for long. This is the first Jay & Silent Bob movie I have watched (that's if you don't count Clerks & Dogma I'm pretty sure I have watched but I hardly remember it) and because of it I'm not really interested to watch any others (unless of course it's late at night and there is nothing but one of those movies on telly again...).

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At World's End Review

Posted : 17 years, 3 months ago on 9 December 2007 10:27 (A review of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End)

Five hours after I've finished watching this I'm still trying to decide if I actually like it. Sure there is plenty of action, special effects, attempts at humour (which I didn't really find funny) but after all that I still don't know. Which probably means something right there. I was disappointed with the second one in the series and this I can say for sure was better then the second, I wasn't disappointed but I felt it was far too long and by one of the final battle scenes I was a tad bored. Although probably mainly for the fact that that battle scene was so drawn out it became tedious. Does Hollywood seem to think just because they have a lot of action, explosions and lots of pointless running about that we'll be entertained like a pack of morons? Pack a battle scene with so much chaos and confusion and perhaps we'll be so disorientated by the end of it we won't know if it was good or bad.
There's also the fact that half way through I walked away from the movie to do something, was gone for about 10 minutes and by the time I came back I'd forgotten most of what had happened.
I think for me the best part out of the whole movie was when Sparrow (Depp) was on his ship in the middle of no where and the stone appeared (if you've seen it you'll know what I mean), after that it just went a bit downhill...
And after ripping into it I realise I didn't dislike it so I guess I have to go with a 5 rating wise for the sheer fact that I can't decide if it was good, bad or neither. I do know however that if you are a Depp fan you'll be entertained enough to want to watch the whole thing.

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