The Time Machine review

I was actually really surprised because I thought it would be trashier then it actually was. It turned out to be quite engaging in some parts in a trashy sort of way. Like a trashy soap opera (like the Bold and the Beautiful for instance ewww) that you want to stop watching but you can't look away from. Could've been so much better though and Guy Pearce is so annoying with the faces he pulls! "Look at me, I think I'm a handsome devil" I hate those faces...

Bondi Rescue review

If a handful of blokes can rescue 30 people in 5mins it's just amazing. These guys are heroes and it just goes to show how dangerous the ocean can be and how much goes on at the beach!

House review

I was so disappointed by this book. I bought it for Horror Day last year and loved the first part of it. It was fantastic! The bad guys were nice and twisted (as horror characters should be), the plot was fleshing out nicely with no predictability but then the ending came. It wasn't suited to it I don't think. That and it had too many religious connotations for my liking, it just turned the book into a joke. It was such a dud ending I was going on about it for days


Unlike the book this movie was far from being a disappointment. Basically they'd just taken the concept from the book and completely and utterly made it their own. It was awesome. The plot was far from predictable, the acting was fantastic (apart from the annoying midwife, she annoyed me) and the ending was completely unexpected. I loved it

I'm Addicted

I love this game. The graphics are awesome, the story line is great and unpredictable and there is just the right amount of gore and violence. Plus Kratos is just a great character to play with fantastic weapons and moves

What a disappointment

I found out about this book not long before the movie was announced and I was so excited to get my hands on it. Oh how disappointed I was!
For starters it's less then 300 pages and it took me roughly a month to read it. That says something right there.
Secondly it took me awhile to get absorbed into it and when I finally did it was over.
It was a great concept but it's as if P.D James didn't think it through and explore it properly. As if it was just something to fill in the time, she just didn't flesh it out enough.
Not to mention the punctuation wasn't up to scratch and that annoyed me through certain parts of the story.
For starters it's less then 300 pages and it took me roughly a month to read it. That says something right there.
Secondly it took me awhile to get absorbed into it and when I finally did it was over.
It was a great concept but it's as if P.D James didn't think it through and explore it properly. As if it was just something to fill in the time, she just didn't flesh it out enough.
Not to mention the punctuation wasn't up to scratch and that annoyed me through certain parts of the story.

One of my favourites

I love this book. I think it's a testiment to Rice's talent and originality. It's great how she did it, stories within a story because I found that everytime I re-read it I seem to discover another detail I didn't really absorb before so it's as if I'm reading it for the first time everytime.