Garage Days review

A great soundtrack, cinematography was alright and the story line was ok but it didn't do anything for me. The characters didn't do anything for me either and as a matter of fact I'm now left with the belief that Pia Miranda can't really act and is on the annoying side. I also felt all the attempts at humour weren't successful and that the only mildly amusing part of the film was the Fun With Drugs Part 2 and even that was pushing it. Shame really because it had potential as a story.

13 Going on 30 review

I'm feeling some deja vu here except with a woman rather then a man. When Tom Hanks did this with Big, it could actually be funny at times and Tom Hanks pulled it off. With Jennifer Garner it was just embarrassing and completely unbelievable. Watching her trying to act like a 13 year old inside a 30 year olds body was beyond aggravating.
Basically, it's been done before and it shouldn't have been done again.
Basically, it's been done before and it shouldn't have been done again.

Kenny review

For a movie I wasn't planning on watching I'm very glad Kenny was on television because I love it. Not so much the movie although it was great but more so the character. The combination of lisping, ockerisms and caring nature make Kenny a lovable Aussie bloke right from the word go.
Kenny is a mockumentary about the plumbers who work with port-a-loos. Shane Jacobson did Kenny so well it's almost as if Kenny was his own person, he also pretty much worked with the port-a-loo company for over a year and the fact that the 'actors' were family and friends gave it a feeling of being a true documentary. It also had a lot of heart, not cheese, which made it even better to watch.
Kenny is a mockumentary about the plumbers who work with port-a-loos. Shane Jacobson did Kenny so well it's almost as if Kenny was his own person, he also pretty much worked with the port-a-loo company for over a year and the fact that the 'actors' were family and friends gave it a feeling of being a true documentary. It also had a lot of heart, not cheese, which made it even better to watch.

Priestess of the White (Age of the Five Trilogy, Book 1) review

Has everything a fantasy novel should have - a land that is completely made up, strange animals that don't exist, strong sorcerers, conflict, love affairs and magic - the only thing it didn't have was a lasting impression. I enjoyed it to an extent, it flowed from different character view to another smoothly enough but I didn't feel there was any real depth or character work, whether that was because there were so many different point of views or because Canavan doesn't really work on that aspect of writing I can't tell.
All in all it was an enjoyable average read, the type you'd read in between really gripping books so you know you would at least get some sleep.
All in all it was an enjoyable average read, the type you'd read in between really gripping books so you know you would at least get some sleep.

The Tuxedo review

This movie is a waste of every one's time. I didn't sit through the whole thing, oh no. I'd probably have killed off some brain cells by doing that. From what I did see of it though, the plot was pathetic, the acting was atrocious and it was basically just an excuse to watch some very mediocre fighting scenes and some eye candy. The eye candy not being all that great (Jennifer Love Hewitt could be a beautiful woman if she wasn't so annoying). To me some crappy fight scenes and eye candy does not automatically make a movie.
So if you want to save some brain cells don't watch this and if you want to kill some off there are plenty of other stupid ways to do it.
So if you want to save some brain cells don't watch this and if you want to kill some off there are plenty of other stupid ways to do it.

Aren't Just For The Kids

I think this book was done really well. For me it had a tightly woven plot, answered all the questions that arose throughout the series and the change of... lets say scenario (I don't want to give anything away for those who wish to read it, although it seems that everyone else wants to so maybe there isn't a point for me to) stopped it from being stale. The only problem was the ending. The real ending was perfect. A good fight scene followed by a clean cut ending that was very final, but then Rowling had to do the "several years in the future bit" which is alright in some cases when done properly but she didn't do it well. It was pretty much just confirming what was in my mind an obvious conclusion and not explaining about anything else. A waste of paper if you ask me. Can't people use their imaginations and be happy with just speculating what may have happened? Would be more tantalising in my opinion.
Other then that the book was great and I have to confess that I am very impressed and surprised with Rowling's talent.
Other then that the book was great and I have to confess that I am very impressed and surprised with Rowling's talent.

Thinner review

Great lessons in this movie. Just goes to show that there are consequences to every action, lying to save your own arse doesn't get you anywhere in the end and revenge is never, ever sweet. Plus gluttony isn't exactly a good idea either. Unfortunately I've never read the book on this one so I can't say if the movie has done it justice but then they rarely do. The acting could've been a bit better but when people were going a bit mental they had just the right amount of nuttiness.

Fantastic Planet review

I love this movie not just for how odd it is but for the lessons it teaches. Probably not for everyone as it's a very odd planet with strange creatures and weird landscapes, that don't really make any sense what so ever. One thing that does make perfect sense is the storyline. It shows not only how ignorance can hurt other creatures but also how thinking you are a superior being can get you into a lot of trouble.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) review

I think, for me, what makes this movie is Will Ferrell. Don't get me wrong, everyone else was great in their own quirky way but if it wasn't for Ferrell I don't believe I would've laughed as much or even given this movie a rating of 8 (or watched it the whole way through). It wasn't the funniest movie I have seen and probably bordering on sheer stupidity that's not funny rather then silliness, but there were times when I laughed so much that I couldn't help but enjoy it.

The Phantom review

I think this movie is basically just a reason to perv on Billy Zane while he runs around in a tight spandex outfit. To expect anything else is foolish. The story line is ok, but at the very bottom of the ok scale. The acting I'll comment on that by asking a question... What acting? And the dialogue? Well the dialogue is on the sad say. So all in all the movie is embarrassing to say the least but that's just if you're expecting an actual movie. A perve fest on the other hand... Well no disappointments there!