Beneath Clouds

Although I've been wanting to watch this for awhile I have also been putting if off and now that I've watched I have no idea why. It's not like the acting was anything to write home about but the story was good, depressing but good. It might even be a possible tear jerker or perhaps that was just me.


Not only did this movie end up being different then what I thought it was (as is usually the case) but it turned out to be far better as well. There's also the fact that I never would have picked Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro to do those type of roles but seeing them in those roles and pulling it off as well was really surprising. They just seemed perfectly suited to it. Plus there is the added bonus of seeing De Niro dancing around, I found that amusing.
A thoroughly enjoyable movie.
A thoroughly enjoyable movie.


I love this movie. As it says in the beginning it is not a historical retelling of Diane Arbus' life but a tribute and what an interesting tribute indeed. I was absolutely engrossed with this movie. It was beautiful, riveting and I think Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey Jnr were terrific in their portrayal of these great characters.
Even after all that though this isn't for anyone. It's more arthouse then anything and sure it's a fantastic movie but I don't think everyone is going to appreciate it.
Even after all that though this isn't for anyone. It's more arthouse then anything and sure it's a fantastic movie but I don't think everyone is going to appreciate it.

Shoot 'Em Up

Shoot 'em up alright. I really believe that this movie was just an excuse for a bunch of men to play with guns, get into ridiculous gun fights and do very unbelievable stunts.
If it wasn't for Clive Owens I wouldn't have bothered watching the whole thing but there is something sexy about that man eating carrots. Oh and the thing with the carrots! It was stupid like a lot of other things in this movie. For instance, the wise cracks were not witty, the plot was pathetic (also pointless and reaffirming for me that this movie was just made for the guns), he said "this is weird" way too much, it surprises me that the baby never got hurt and then there is the sex scene. It's the type of sex scene I have never seen and the type that makes you say WTF?
If you can sit through the first 5-10 minutes where he kills a man with a carrot (yes you read right) and then delivers a baby while in a gunfight and not say to yourself "Yeah right" then there is a chance you might enjoy this movie otherwise you'll probably be left wondering what gun happy idiot created this bullcrap?
If it wasn't for Clive Owens I wouldn't have bothered watching the whole thing but there is something sexy about that man eating carrots. Oh and the thing with the carrots! It was stupid like a lot of other things in this movie. For instance, the wise cracks were not witty, the plot was pathetic (also pointless and reaffirming for me that this movie was just made for the guns), he said "this is weird" way too much, it surprises me that the baby never got hurt and then there is the sex scene. It's the type of sex scene I have never seen and the type that makes you say WTF?
If you can sit through the first 5-10 minutes where he kills a man with a carrot (yes you read right) and then delivers a baby while in a gunfight and not say to yourself "Yeah right" then there is a chance you might enjoy this movie otherwise you'll probably be left wondering what gun happy idiot created this bullcrap?

Don't Eat While You Watch

For anyone who is contemplating using steroids I think you should watch this. Not that it's jam packed with information but it has enough to show you just what could happen and it definitely drums it in. It's basically about this body builder who used steroids to a point where he ended up getting infections and basically his bicep "exploded". Includes a really gross clip of him performing surgery on himself (as you do when you're a moron). It also includes interviews with other body builders so even though the story's main focus is the exploding guy he isn't the only numb nut on there.
Now if you're like me and the whole body building industry makes you a tad sick well either you don't want to watch this or if you do, watch it with caution. Chances are it's going to make you nice and queasy.
Now if you're like me and the whole body building industry makes you a tad sick well either you don't want to watch this or if you do, watch it with caution. Chances are it's going to make you nice and queasy.

Spider-Man 3 review

Try as hard as I might I couldn't get into this movie. It was pretty average. Sure the way Sandman and Venom was done was cool but that's about the only thing that stood out for me. I didn't like either Toby Maguire's or Kirsten Dunst's performance and I definitely didn't buy Kirsten Dunst singing. I should have realised that I wasn't going to enjoy this right from the beginning. The opening credits part made me feel ill and went on far too long. The action scenes had far too much action (if that's possible) that was all over the place so much so it gave me a headache and I had trouble seeing what was going on. If there is a number 4 I won't care to see it, after seeing this movie I am done with this franchise.

The Bourne Ultimatum review

I don't have anything really bad to say about this movie, not really, it was action packed right from the word go and I think Matt Damon was made for this role, there was only one problem. The camera work. In this day and age you'd think people would understand the benefits of holding a camera steady! It was ridiculous. They can't seriously think it's making it more realistic. More like it's causing severe bouts of motion sickness. I found it very hard to concentrate on what was going on at times and other times I had to concentrate extra hard just so I could keep track especially in fight scenes. People really need to learn how to use a camera. Other then that it was a good movie which I really enjoyed.

Mao's Last Dancer review

It took awhile for me to get into this book but once I did I could not put it down. Even when I tried really hard to (had to sleep some time). It doesn't happen often but this one brought tears to my eyes. I have a feeling a lot of people would find this story an inspiration.

Tideland review

In the first 5 minutes or so you get to find out why this kid is playing with dolls heads. It's understandable, if I had parents like that I'd play with dolls heads too.
This movie is pretty out there and yet it's also heartbreaking as you can see just how lonely this kid is. Basically not one of those movies that you remember for being bad or good, but for how different it is I think or possibly intense and heartbreaking. You'll have to watch it yourself to decide whether it was good or bad.
This movie is pretty out there and yet it's also heartbreaking as you can see just how lonely this kid is. Basically not one of those movies that you remember for being bad or good, but for how different it is I think or possibly intense and heartbreaking. You'll have to watch it yourself to decide whether it was good or bad.

Not Another Teen Movie review

Oh look, it's a spoof and what easier genre to pay out then teen movies? If this hadn't of been on tv I never would have watched this movie but it was and I did. It got some chuckles out of me but that was about it. No laughing until it hurt. No memorable comedic moments for me to mention at some point in time in the future. Not another teen movie really is just another teen movie.