It would be nice if there were more decent sci fi shows but unfortunately we get stuck with this tripe. I knew it would be a waste of my time to watch it just by seeing the previews. For starters the acting isn't up to par and the witticisms are embarrassing. Especially the ones made by Captain Harkness (John Barrowman) who is even more embarrassing because he gives the impression of an arrogant sleaze. Between Harkness trying to act like a sexy devil and the ridiculous faces Gwen Cooper (Eve Miles) makes, it's enough to make you cringe.
Besides do you really think a show is going to be worth watching when it comes up with a story line about a sex addicted alien? A sex addicted alien that doesn't have it's own body but must travel to another planet just to find a host body? I think not.
What A Sad State Of Affairs

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 review

I thought this was actually better then Vol. 1 although I was annoyed by the scene where she goes to kill Budd and kicks open the door. I couldn't help but think how idiotic she was. You'd think after you'd been through that much you'd actually thoroughly consider what you were doing wouldn't you? I thought the movie was going to be just one long piece of stupidity after that but once it got to the part with Pai Mei (even if he did annoy me with his flicking of the beard and he was a stereotype) I felt it went in a better direction. A bit predictable in parts but still pretty good.

Not bad at all

Think the Asian version of Blade Runner but not as boring, better effects, much better, more focused on the love story and I'd say more violent when it came to fight scenes. Some of the fight scenes were actually pretty good, especially the last one. Also great acting from the guy who played Dr Giro, he was very odd... I think someone being able to pull off playing a weirdo like that is quite talented.

Pan's Labyrinth review

I was very surprised with this film. I have no idea what I was expecting except it was maybe more a children's film then anything else. Jeez was I mistaken! Obviously I hadn't heard much about it.
For starters it was far too violent in parts for children and younger children may have found it more on the scary side. For adults though (including young adults) it was excellent. It was unlike any other movie I have seen in a long time and by far a rarity in cinematic excellence. The acting was fantastic and the story line was marvellous. If you're a world cinema fan you have to see this and if you aren't, well you really have to see this.
For starters it was far too violent in parts for children and younger children may have found it more on the scary side. For adults though (including young adults) it was excellent. It was unlike any other movie I have seen in a long time and by far a rarity in cinematic excellence. The acting was fantastic and the story line was marvellous. If you're a world cinema fan you have to see this and if you aren't, well you really have to see this.


Sometimes when there is a movie you are looking forward to seeing and have certain expectations for you can end up being disappointed. I was far from disappointed with this film, I was absolutely riveted. Forest Whitaker put in a marvellous performance and did a fantastic job portraying a very scary man. I highly recommend this film and I think it's by far one of the best I've seen this year.


I think I caught about 15 minutes of this. I say caught because I saw 15 minutes in the last half of the movie when I was searching channels on TV for something to watch. I'm actually amazed I lasted that long (take out the ads though and it's less then 15).
It was really a pathetic attempt. For starters, yes it's an action film and yes it had action but it seemed to try to be a comedy as well which didn't work. Basically when a movie that shouldn't be funny tries to be funny, it doesn't end up funny. It ends up being pathetic and embarrassing.
And that's only after watching it for 15 minutes. Imagine all the things I could have said about it if I had of watched the whole thing! That wouldn't of happened though because I have a feeling I would've lost the plot.
It was really a pathetic attempt. For starters, yes it's an action film and yes it had action but it seemed to try to be a comedy as well which didn't work. Basically when a movie that shouldn't be funny tries to be funny, it doesn't end up funny. It ends up being pathetic and embarrassing.
And that's only after watching it for 15 minutes. Imagine all the things I could have said about it if I had of watched the whole thing! That wouldn't of happened though because I have a feeling I would've lost the plot.


I did find with this movie that sometimes the camera work was a bit shoddy to the point where it made me feel a little on the dizzy side and I noticed one mistake which was the camera crew in the back of the van but other then that the movie was far better then I was expecting and actually quite refreshing with some really good acting. I did feel that the discussion in the cabin (I don't want to give any details) went on for longer then needed but the storyline was executed so well that that scene only amounted to being a small irritation which didn't last as the movie carried on.

Dรฉjร Vu review

While not too bad a concept and story line I found what they did with it to be mediocre. Denzel Washington was great as usual (when isn't he?) and there was a good enough amount of action for the action buffs but after I found out how they got their surveillance it seemed to me that it was pretty predictable. If you want something that's action packed and just a bit of fun to fill in a lazy Sunday afternoon then this movie is for you. If you want something with depth and that will keep you guessing, I recommend watching something else.

TMNT review

I've found this so far to be more on the frustrating side then anything. The moves seem to be a bit skittish and/or clumsy at times. I can't quite figure out if that's because there are too many special moves or if it's just the game play. I have also noticed that there is a lot of jumping involved. A LOT. It feels as though for some stages it's all you're doing and the fight scenes can become a little repetitous. The graphics are alright although not as smooth as I would like them to be and there are some cool little moves that would entertain the kids going by my nephew's reaction which was to have an intake of breath and then say cool every few minutes.
So basically I'd recommend this for the youngins, roughly 8/9 years up and for adults if you just want something to fill in your time with but don't expect anything riveting.
So basically I'd recommend this for the youngins, roughly 8/9 years up and for adults if you just want something to fill in your time with but don't expect anything riveting.

Skinny Enough For You?

This was a pretty good movie with a good enough twist that wasn't too predictable but there were some things that bothered me. For example the two main characters looked like they had anorexia which distracted me and sickened me. Seriously actors shouldn't have to be a skeleton to perform a role. And secondly I think Angelina Jolie had her mouth open too much. Whether it was a bid to look sexier or to take every one's mind off the fact that she was the wife of skeletor I don't know but it was just open a bit too much for my liking.